
  • Identification of the best management control system able to provide, distinct and prompt information about the company trend through structured forms, ( Tableau de Bord).
  • Support to the business management during introduction, predisposition and management of budgeti and relative deviation analysis.
  • Monitoring analysis activity of financial-economic development  plans able to verify thei evolution in an integrated way.
  • Identification and analysis of financial, economic, industrial, process and structural indicators, aiming at controlling and estimating the company's activity.
  • Treasury management assistance (liquidity management) aiming at permitting the client to overcome temporary liquidity crisis in an optimum manner, bringing the company back to a virtuous state.
  • Due diligence activity (fiscal, legal and accounting) & Audit able to verify, the company's welfare in a specific moment, in order not to compromise the positive outcome of a potential extraordinary operation.